Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Improvement and Review Commission, Thursday, 24th January, 2019 7.00 pm (Item 32.)


The Commission considered and discussed the report and draft recommendations of the Budget Task and Finish Group for onward referral to Cabinet.  The Task and Finish Group was set up by the Improvement and Review Commission in order to consider the capital and revenue budget for the financial year 2019/20 leading into the new unitary Council.


The Chairman of the Task and Finish Group: Councillor Alex Collingwood guided members through the report.


The draft recommendations were outlined as follows:




1)    That £500k reduction be achieved in 2019/20 however it was recognised that year 2 and 3 were aspirational and the medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) needs to be updated and reflected, and the new unitary needs to be informed.  Planning to revisit their budget and discuss alternatives with the Head of Finance and Cabinet Member for Finance.


2)    That Cabinet provide proposals to deliver the Princes Risborough relief road and Phase 7 of the Town Centre Masterplan, and to report progress within the next six months.




3)    To use the best procurement route to promote delivery and this can include the suspension of contract standing orders.


4)    That the procurement team be provided with funds for additional resources.


5)    If the Modernising Local Government process is delayed then the Council revisit the procurement thresholds.


6)    It be noted that the Budget TFG support the waiver of Contract Standing Orders for the proposed works at Court Garden.


7)    That a review of Street Wardens be undertaken within 3 months and additional resource be provided if the project is successful (6 street wardens).


Economic Development & Regeneration


8)    That additional revenue funds be made available for the feasibility work to facilitate the continuity and delivery of Capital Projects.  Including, but not exclusively car parks, regeneration and the Local Plan.


9)    To accelerate and expedite all regeneration projects to that they can be delivered ahead or on schedule.


10)That a Project Manager be appointed to oversee delivery and to support the Deputy Leader with implementation plans.


(a)  The Deputy leader be given the additional role to oversee the delivery of all projects both revenue and capital.


11)To identify the land acquisition and car parking capacity across the District.


12)That Cabinet note that a Task and Finish Group will be undertaken to consider Parking in the District.


13)To note that the Budget Task and Finish Group support the implementation of an increase in parking charges.




14)To note that the Budget TFG supports the funding for the delivery of HMO licensing.


15)That the Council enter into a Service Level Agreement with Wycombe Homeless Connections on a 3-5 year basis.




16)That £150k be provided for a new recycling collection vehicle.


17)To note that a Task and Finish Group would be undertaken to consider the new Joint Waste Contract.




18)That contingency of £100,000 be considered for funding to support the delivery of the Digital First Programme if required.


Community Support Grants


19)That Community Grants be continued and provided to Parish and Town Councils as previously agreed.


The Commission considered and discussed the recommendations.  A number of points and suggestions were made, as follows:


·         Information regarding the delayed HIF Bid funding should be added to recommendation two and to note that the Abbey Barn Lane work was not as critical at this time.


·         Regarding the recommendation to support the contract standing order suspension, this was so that the Community department could deliver cost and time effective contracts.  This was supported within the Council’s constitution.


·         It was suggested that a recommendation be added to investigate a residents parking scheme so that residents could receive discounts at Wycombe District Council car parks. 


·         To support to economy in the town centre a recommendation be added requesting short term free or low cost parking in the town centre.


·         Due to the significant cost to house homeless people in bed and breakfast accommodation it was suggested that funding be provided to the Cabinet Member for Housing for cost effective temporary accommodation.


·         It was noted that the existing waste contract ends in 2020 and there was a statutory duty to collect waste.  A task and finish group would support work being undertaken by officers on a new contract.


·         Regarding ICT funding this amount should be increased to £235,000k.


The Chairman and the Commission thanked Councillor Collingwood and the members of the Task and Finish Group for their report.  Comments would be taken into consideration and recommendations amended to reflect the discussion.  The final recommendations would then be submitted to Cabinet and their response would be included in the Budget item at the meeting on the 4 February 2019.

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